Are squirrels the kangaroo of North America?

2014-04-05 USA 2014

FACT: There are no species of squirrels native to Australia.

There were, according to a document on the Australia Government’s Department of Environment website, a few introduced colonies of squirrels in Australia in the last century, but it appears that all bar one are now extinct. The one remaining feral colony of Palm Squirrels lives in and around the Perth Zoo environs. (Plus there is a captive colony at Melbourne Zoo.)

So squirrels are not a familiar sight to Australians. Which explains why, whenever we saw a squirrel roaming free in the United States, there would be squeals of excitement and I’d be reaching for my camera.

Squirrels are just so ridiculously cute. Who wouldn’t get excited about the sight of tiny, furry, bushy-tailed critters bouncing across parks and sidewalks, or sitting on front steps nibbling on some of their winter nut stash?

I’ll tell you who wouldn’t get excited…the Britannia Entourage. Whenever we started shrieking, “Squirrel! Squirrel!“, in their company they would look bemused and declare, “It’s just a squirrel. They’re like rats.”

But if they saw a kangaroo in Australia, they’d probably behave in exactly the same way as we were, while I would barely give a kangaroo a second glance.

And that’s one of the great benefits of travel. It reminds you never to take for granted what it is about our way of life and our environment that makes it so unique.

What’s unique about your neighbourhood?


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